The Dead Aid argument (the title of Dambisa Moyo's book, see earlier post) is catching on. According to a fascinating article by Jeff Chu in the April 2009 Fast Company, Rwanda's president Paul Kagame is taking the path of private enterprise, at least relative to many other African leaders. The article makes it clear that the jury's out on whether President Kagame's distinctive approach to economic development will succeed, but his is another African voice now being raised against the role of large scale government to government aid.
Whilst on the subject of economic deveopment in Africa, I read reviews at the weekend of Paul Collier's new book Wars, Guns and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places. Some reviewers clearly didn't buy in to his conclusion, which seems to be that the western democracies must provide a military umbrella for the development of democracy in African countries. I'm looking forward to reading it – reviews will be welcome from others who get there before me.