Intrigued by this headline? Read this entry by Richard Baggaley on the Princeton University Press blog about a book he published in 2007, Plight of the Fortune Tellers by Riccardo Rebonato, holder of that grandly titled post at Royal Bank of Scotland which is now majority-owned by me and other UK tax payers. To give you a preview, Richard writes: “My
author Riccardo Rebonato has the job title ‘Global Head of Market Risk’
for the Royal Bank of Scotland Group. Until a few months ago this was
unambiguously impressive. Now, rather like a watch officer on the
Titanic, events would seem to have overtaken him. Riccardo though is
one of the few members of his profession who can legitimately claim to
have warned us all that things were not at all well in the world of
financial risk management.“
Market risk is the risk that the value of an investment will decrease due to moves in market factors….
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Re-reading Riccardo’s book now in early 2009, after his bank has been rescued from near collapse by a huge government bail-out (forgive the nautical pun), the cries for help are quite plain to see.
I would be eager know his opinion about insurance sector.
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