Here's a very interesting blog post from a thriller writer who publishes his own books for the Kindle, Joe Konrath.
Daily Archives: August 23, 2010
E-books and electronic readers
There's an interesting blog post on the new Kindle and how it compares to the iPad by the BBC's fab technology correspondent (and my own dear husband) Rory Cellan-Jones. I've been watching him assemble comments on the Kindle. He concludes:
So while my focus group was underwhelmed by the Kindle, I'm betting that
price will prevail – and the UK's publishing industry needs to focus on
Amazon, not Apple, as it contemplates its digital future.
I'm more sceptical, and in fact am with the second comment on his blog post:
When the latest Kindle announcement was made, and the UK Amazon eBook
store became available, the first thing I did was check to see if my
favourite authors' most recent books were available. They weren't. So
until every book (or at least every new book) can be purchased for an
eReader, and is priced at a point that reflects the reduced production
and distribution costs I doubt I'll be leaving my real books behind.