Women, books and economics

Chris Jackson has written a thought-provoking column in The Atlantic about the strange invisibility of women writers to male readers and critics alike. It's well worth trying his own thought-experiment:

“When was the last time you read fiction by a woman?” 

And he goes on:

“And I honestly couldn't come up with anything for a few minutes.  It
was a pretty shameful moment.”

The column goes on to ponder the internal censorship that works against women authors. Extend the thought to economics and business books and it becomes even harder to think of books by women because the proportion of women economists is so low. Looking back through this blog, I've read books by Linda Polman and Dambisa Moyo. Carmen Reinhardt is a co-author of This Time is Different, and Kate Pickett  of The Spirit Level.

Maybe I missed some but even so this is a low tally. So here's a question: let me know which economics and business books by women you've read recently. I'd like to make sure the imbalance on this blog is a supply problem and not – as Chris Jackson so honestly admits – a demand problem.