Here are some more new economics titles to look forward to in the months ahead, this time from general trade publishers.
I’m very much looking forward to David Wolman’s [amazon_link id=”0306818833″ target=”_blank” ]The End of Money[/amazon_link] from Perseus.
[amazon_image id=”0306818833″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]End of Money[/amazon_image]
Norton is bringing us the widely trailed [amazon_link id=”0393077489″ target=”_blank” ]Keynes Hayek[/amazon_link] by Nicholas Wapshott. This sounds like another must-read, looking at the original clash and its contemporary relevance. Also from Norton, on the US economy, [amazon_link id=”0393073394″ target=”_blank” ]First Principles: Five Keys to Restoring America’s Prosperity [/amazon_link]by John Taylor of Stanford University.
From Profile, we have a business biography, [amazon_link id=”1846685168″ target=”_blank” ]I Love Mondays: the autobiography of Alec Reed[/amazon_link], written with veteran financial journalist and biographer Judi Bevan; and Africa’s Future: Darkness to Destiny by Duncan Clarke.
Wiley is publishing another business story, [amazon_link id=”B005HF2VVY” target=”_blank” ]Twitter for Good: Change the World one Tweet at a Time[/amazon_link], by Claire Diaz-Ortiz, with a foreword by Twitter founder Biz Stone.
Penguin’s forthcoming list is heavy on financial self-help, but his one caught my eye: [amazon_link id=”1844882608″ target=”_blank” ]The FitzPatrick Tapes: The Rise and Fall of One Man, One Bank, and One Country [/amazon_link]by Tom Lyons and Bryan Carey. The authors, two journalists who have covered the extraordinary story of Anglo-Irish Bank throughout, have incorporated a series of formal interviews with its former chairman Sean FitzPatrick.
Little, Brown is publishing a book by FT journalist Edward Luce on American decline, [amazon_link id=”1408702754″ target=”_blank” ]Time to Start Thinking: America and the Spectre of Decline.[/amazon_link] His book on India, [amazon_link id=”0349118744″ target=”_blank” ]In Spite of the Gods[/amazon_link], was excellent. Another US title is co-authored by Thomas Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum, [amazon_link id=”1408703580″ target=”_blank” ]That Used To Be Us: What went wrong with America – and how it can come back[/amazon_link]. I only occasionally agree with Andrew Simms of the New Economics Foundation but he’s always worth reading. His book [amazon_link id=”1408702363″ target=”_blank” ]Cancel The Apocalypse: Why we need to stop growing and start living[/amazon_link] is out in June.
An interesting prospect from Palgrave is the forthcoming [amazon_link id=”0230285511″ target=”_blank” ]How China Became Capitalist [/amazon_link]by Nobel Laureate Ronald Coase and Ning Wang. I can’t think what Coase’s most recent book before this was. Just out from the same publisher is The growth of Public Expenditure in the united Kingdom from 1870 to 2005 By Clive Lee, whose statistical appendix looks like a good resource.
Bloomsbury has what looks like a must-read on one key part of the Arab Spring, [amazon_link id=”1408826070″ target=”_blank” ]Cairo, My City, Our Revolution[/amazon_link] by Ahdaf Soueif. Also of interest is [amazon_link id=”1408815419″ target=”_blank” ]The Great Disruption: How the Climate Crisis Will Transform the Global Economy[/amazon_link] by Paul Gilding; and also a novel of the financial crisis, [amazon_link id=”1408814137″ target=”_blank” ]Other People’s Money[/amazon_link], by Justin Cartwright, out in paperback.
[amazon_image id=”1408826070″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Cairo: My City, Our Revolution[/amazon_image]
Finally, Constable & Robinson are publishing [amazon_link id=”1908238011″ target=”_blank” ]The Road to Wigan Pier Revisited[/amazon_link] by Stephen Armstrong, a good idea for the new austerity Britain, and for all those interested in behavioural psychology, [amazon_link id=”1780330073″ target=”_blank” ]The Self Illusion: Why There is No ‘You’ Inside Your Head [/amazon_link]by Bruce Hood, this year’s terrific Royal Institution Christmas Lecturer.
[amazon_image id=”1780330073″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Self Illusion: Why There is No ‘You’ Inside Your Head[/amazon_image]
This post and yesterday’s have not been at all systematic, so if any publishers I’ve omitted would like to let me know what they have in store, I’ll do a further round-up early in the New Year.