It was Alfred Chandler’s [amazon_link id=”0674789954″ target=”_blank” ]Scale and Scope: Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism [/amazon_link] that caught my eye first on this top London-based economist’s bookshelf, but anyway other people’s book collections are always compelling. The collection included [amazon_link id=”0684824299″ target=”_blank” ]The Bell Curve[/amazon_link] by Herrnstein and Murray, [amazon_link id=”0691123241″ target=”_blank” ]The Box[/amazon_link] by Marc Levison, Krishna’s [amazon_link id=”0123745071″ target=”_blank” ]Auction Theory[/amazon_link] and – as can be seen from enlarging the picture below – a lot of titles on industrial organization and competition.
[amazon_image id=”0674789954″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Scale and Scope: Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism[/amazon_image]
I wonder if anybody can guess the owner’s identity? One clue – obviously the parent of a young child.

Whose books?