Last week I asked for suggestions about which book from my pile I should read next. I was distracted by Bo Xilai, and finished Genres of the Credit Economy during the week. Opinion about the next one was reasonably evenly divided.
Actually, one person on Twitter – @theJeremyVine – nominated his own new book, [amazon_link id=”1849837767″ target=”_blank” ]It’s All News To Me: How I got locked inside the BBC for 25 years.[/amazon_link] As my husband has been locked inside the BBC for 32 years, he has found this a total page-turner and been laughing, distractingly, as he reads.
[amazon_image id=”1849837767″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]It’s All News to Me[/amazon_image]
Anyway, the ‘winner’ was [amazon_link id=”184467617X” target=”_blank” ]Envisioning Real Utopias [/amazon_link]by Erik Olin Wright – I’ve agreed to write something about it, so will crack on.
[amazon_image id=”184467617X” link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Envisioning Real Utopias[/amazon_image]