Books from Santa

He’s got my number.

A book is for life, not just for Christmas

Given the name of my consultancy business, I might have to start with Anthony Pagden’s [amazon_link id=”019966093X” target=”_blank” ]The Enlightenment and Why it Still Matters[/amazon_link]. I’m very keen to read both [amazon_link id=”1408842068″ target=”_blank” ]Writing on the Wall[/amazon_link] and [amazon_link id=”0091944554″ target=”_blank” ]An Officer and A Spy[/amazon_link]. [amazon_link id=”059307047X” target=”_blank” ]The Everything Store[/amazon_link] has the imprimatur of the FT Business Book of the Year prize. [amazon_link id=”0300188226″ target=”_blank” ]The Theory that Would Not Die[/amazon_link] about Bayes’ Theorem was recommended by a reader of this blog. And what’s a holiday without a detective novel – the blurb on the back tells me [amazon_link id=”0349000115″ target=”_blank” ]The Black Rose of Florence[/amazon_link] is a global best seller, although I’m not sure whether that’s a good or bad thing.