A New Year Resolution to read more books about economics?
It’s time for a browse through the publishers’ catalogues to see what enticing economics and business books will be out in the next few months (this is of course a non-exhaustive list – I’m happy to update this if anybody knows of others coming out in the first half of 2014).
I have to indulge myself in putting my own new book first: [amazon_link id=”0691156794″ target=”_blank” ]GDP: A Brief But Affectionate History[/amazon_link] is published on 23rd February.
[amazon_image id=”0691156794″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History[/amazon_image]
Also from my publisher Princeton University Press, I like the look of the history title [amazon_link id=”B00H5ZN2Z8″ target=”_blank” ]The Transformation of the World: A Global History of the 19th century[/amazon_link] by Jurgen Osterhammel. Greg Clark’s [amazon_link id=”0691162549″ target=”_blank” ]The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility[/amazon_link] looks like a highly distinctive take on the mobility question. Other new economics titles are [amazon_link id=”0691161127″ target=”_blank” ]The Dollar Trap[/amazon_link] by Eswar Prasad, [amazon_link id=”0691155240″ target=”_blank” ]Fragile By Design[/amazon_link] (on banking crises) by Charles Calomiris and Stephen Haber, and T[amazon_link id=”0691154708″ target=”_blank” ]he Butterfly Defect: How globalization creates systemic risks and what to do about it[/amazon_link] by Ian Goldin and Mike Mariathasan. The best title in the catalogue could be [amazon_link id=”0691160120″ target=”_blank” ]Count Like An Egyptian[/amazon_link] by David Reimer – a guide to ancient maths.
At Harvard University Press, there is Thomas Piketty’s [amazon_link id=”067443000X” target=”_blank” ]Capital in the 21st Century[/amazon_link], which I posted about recently. Also coming up, [amazon_link id=”0674049772″ target=”_blank” ]Immigration Economics [/amazon_link]by George Borjas
MIT Press has several I like the look of: [amazon_link id=”0262019922″ target=”_blank” ]Production in the Innovation Economy[/amazon_link], edited by Richard M. Locke and Rachel Wellhausen; [amazon_link id=”0262026910″ target=”_blank” ]In 100 Years: Leading Economists Predict the Future[/amazon_link], Edited by Ignacio Palacios-Huerta; [amazon_link id=”0262027259″ target=”_blank” ]Virtual Economies – Design and Analysis[/amazon_link] by Vili Lehdonvirta and Edward Castronova; and [amazon_link id=”0262026872″ target=”_blank” ]Making Democracy Fun[/amazon_link] by Josh Lerner (“drawing on the tools of game design to fix democracy.”)
[amazon_image id=”0262026910″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]In 100 Years: Leading Economists Predict the Future[/amazon_image]
Basic has Bill Easterly’s [amazon_link id=”0465031250″ target=”_blank” ]The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor [/amazon_link]out in March.
Later in the year Oxford University Press is bringing out [amazon_link id=”0198716087″ target=”_blank” ]Reconceptualizing Development in the Global Information Age[/amazon_link], Edited by Manuel Castells and Pekka Himanen; [amazon_link id=”0195373847″ target=”_blank” ]The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Great Depression[/amazon_link] by Daniel W. Drezner; [amazon_link id=”0198702132″ target=”_blank” ]The Euro Trap: On Bursting Bubbles, Budgets, and Beliefs[/amazon_link] by Hans-Werner Sinn; and [amazon_link id=”0199330107″ target=”_blank” ]After Occupy: Economic Democracy for the 21st Century[/amazon_link] by Tom Malleson looks quite interesting too.
[amazon_image id=”0199330107″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]After Occupy: Economic Democracy for the 21st Century[/amazon_image]
Finally, I’m also looking forward to Philosophy at 3am: Questions and Answers with 25 top philosophers by Richard Marshall, who does the Friday morning philosophy interviews in 3am Magazine – always quirky, always interesting.