Winner of the 2017 Enlightened Economist Prize

As ever, it has been much harder to select one book from my longlist than it was to narrow it down to those ten. After mulling it over for a few days, I can announce today that the winner is Jean Tirole’s Economics for the Common Good. My review of it is here. It has been widely reviewed elsewhere – here is The Economist and the FT and Breaking Views.

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The reason – apart from it being a great read about the economics profession and about the kinds of policy problem on which economics can shed real light – is that in these times of disparaging ‘experts’ and ignoring evidence, it is great to have such a distinguished economist explaining for a wide audience the importance of evidence and expertise.

Festival of Economics 2017, Bristol Festival of Ideas, Bristol

Festival of Economics 2017, Bristol Festival of Ideas, Bristol

Photo courtesy of Bhagesh Sachania Photography