An interdisciplinary workshop about capitalism was always going to generate an eclectic mix of books referred to; I always like to make a note of what crops up. So at The New Institute this week, the focus was Colin Mayer’s important recent book Capitalism and Crises, which centres on his proposal that profit maximisation should continue to be the aim of private companies but profit much be redefined to be net of the cost of any damages inflicted on the rest of society (including workers but not rival businesses in competitive markets). He argues that UK corporate law is already capable of this interpretation.
In the other talks, these other books mentioned make up a pretty good capitalism reading list – although I might have missed a few:
The End of Enlightenment by Richard Whatmore
Sense, Nonsense and Subjectivity by Markus Gabriel
Capitalism and the Market Economy by Jonathan McMillan
Stabilising an Unstable Economy by Hyman Minsky
The Ethics of Capitalism by Daniel Halliday and John Thrasher
Noise by Daniel Kahneman
A Moral Political Economy by Federica Carugati and Margaret Levi
The Corporation in the 21st Century (forthcoming) by John Kay
The Coming of Managerial Capitalism by Alfred Chandler
Competition Overdose by Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice Stucke
Ecological Economics and the Ecology of Economics by Herman Daly
Ökoliberal by Philipp Krohn
Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrom
These look like great books. How many of them might we expect a blurb from you on? Apologies, not trying to add pressure, but I love your summaries and thoughts. This is particularly true for books that I would want to read, but don’t have high expectations I will.
I haven’t read all of them – it’s added to my reading list too!