
5 thoughts on “Archives

  1. Good afternoon,

    I hope your week has been going well!

    I wanted to touch base, as I came across The Enlightened Economics and wanted to see if we might be able to work with you on doing a feature, review, interview – anything that makes sense – for one of my clients, Hunter Lewis. He has two novels releasing on September 1st – Crony Capitalism in America: 2008-2012 and Free Prices Now! – that are right up your alley!

    Including the quick details below, and of course, you can click on the “Tour Detail” link to see full cover and synopsis of both of Hunter’s Books:

    Hunter Lewis – Crony Capitalism in America and Free Prices Now!
    Tour Runs: August 20 – September 10
    Tour Details:
    Availability: eBook and/or Paper Copy
    Brief Description:
    “Crony Capitalism in America” is especially for readers tired of hearing the same excuses for the nation’s economic slump. Lewis unflinchingly cuts through the confusion and provides a behindthe-scenes peek at powerful political circles that control America’s future. And again, he pushes the envelope with fresh, innovative solutions.
    “Free Prices Now!” offers a fascinating look at job loss, poverty and everything in between. Lewis boldly dissects the problems behind America’s economic crisis and details how the country can escape failure through honest, un-manipulated prices.

    I’d absolutely love to work with you on scheduling something during the virtual tour! Please do let me know if you’d be interested, as well as anything you may need at all!

    Thanks so much,

  2. I would like to proposed the new GDP should re-coin as Gross Domestic Prosperity (GDP) considering ongoing debate over the old. If require I would like to give an explanation elaborate opinion on prosperity measurement.


  3. I would like to proposed the new GDP should be re-coined as Gross Domestic Prosperity (GDP) considering ongoing debate over the old. If require I would like to give an explanation elaborate opinion on prosperity measurement. this Gross Domestic Prosperity Index would qualify original humane economics for human being and for human prosperity which is the aim of mankind. It would consider as the progress and prosperity as the inputs for Well being, Sustainability, Environment, Happy Planet, Quality of life which is occurred within the domestic territory of the country. This will distinguishes the impact and impediments of other country’s progress of human community and economy.

    If we consider only happiness then we shall assess only happiness or well being of people of the domestic territories of the country which does not consider the impacts or activities of neighboring or even collaborating country. Normally an economically, technically, politically powerful countries creates a lot of impediments. Those thing also need to be counted by the proposed Gross Domestic Prosperity Index. This may create influence on international border politics, resource exploitation for human habitat. Thus, GDP will show a correct result. Here, I am completely opposed either to Stiglitz, Amrtya Sen, or even the propagator (s) of Happy Planet which never consider the other countries impact on prosperity.

    The Gross Prosperity counting may be challenging act. If any funding agency support me then I may take a step of prototype Gross Domestic Prosperity (GDP) accounting for the world.

    Arup Barman (Assam, India)

  4. Unlike most economic blogs, I must say you do seem to have the ability to come up with some unusual, and enlightening information. This is excellent, and mind broadening…please continue with this approach, and good luck!

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