GDP and all that jazz

Tyler Cowen has reviewed my new book, [amazon_link id=”0691156794″ target=”_blank” ]GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History[/amazon_link] for the Washington Post – favourably, I’m relieved to say, as he’s such an astute reader. I’m halfway through the other book he covers, Zachary Karabell’s [amazon_link id=”1451651201″ target=”_blank” ]The Leading Indicators: A Short History of the Numbers that Rule Our World[/amazon_link]; and will be reviewing that myself in due course.

[amazon_image id=”0691156794″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History: A Brief Affectionate History[/amazon_image]   [amazon_image id=”1451651201″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Leading Indicators: A Short History of the Numbers That Rule Our World[/amazon_image]

There are surprisingly few books about GDP, but two came out soon after I submitted my manuscript, very different from each other (and mine). One is [amazon_link id=”1780322720″ target=”_blank” ]Gross Domestic Problem [/amazon_link]by Lorenzo Fioramonti – self-explanatory. Here is my take. The other is [amazon_link id=”019976719X” target=”_blank” ]Beyond GDP: Measuring Welfare and Assessing Sustainability[/amazon_link] by Marc Fleurbaey and Didier Blanchet which is far more technical but well worthwhile if you’re interested in the issues – here’s my review. Its introduction covers the argument of the book in a non-technical way.

[amazon_image id=”019976719X” link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Beyond GDP: Measuring Welfare and Assessing Sustainability[/amazon_image]

Increase GDP now

… by buying my new book, [amazon_link id=”0691156794″ target=”_blank” ]GDP: A Brief But Affectionate History[/amazon_link]. The ‘official’ publication date is a couple of weeks away still, but Amazon has decided to start shipping. Order now and you can get it today!

[amazon_image id=”0691156794″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History: A Brief Affectionate History[/amazon_image]

If you want to sample it before buying, Princeton University Press has made the introduction available online. In Aeon magazine this week I have an article, Growing Pains, about one of the themes.

I’m doing a few talks about it too – starting with the Warwick Economic Summit this evening. There’s an evening discussion for the Society of Business Economists on 13th February round table at the CSFI in London on 4th March.

Life satisfaction, GDP and sense

Normally, I’m a sunny-natured optimist but every so often I get grumpy. A recent post on Vox made me grumpy – it’s about life satisfaction and GDP. At first I thought I’d ignore it. But this morning I was dipping into A Century in Books, the little volume from 2005 celebrating the centenary of Princeton University Press, and it fell open at the page on Clive Granger’s 1964 book, Spectral Analysis of Economic Time Series. My PhD used a lot of time series econometrics – Mark Watson, now at Princeton, was one of my supervisors. I did my PhD so long ago that it’s now Once Upon A Time, and it is simply depressing that a generation after time series econometrics matured so many economists fail to think about the statistical properties of different kinds of time series data –  like GDP and reported life satisfaction.

(Actually – this is a rant for another time – it’s depressing that so many economists aren’t interested in data and statistics at all, but just expect to be able to download data files and run them through packages that churn out impressive-looking test statistics, without ever pausing to think about how the statistics are constructed or what the regressions might really mean. See Deirdre McCloskey eg [amazon_link id=”1843761742″ target=”_blank” ]Measurement and Meaning in Economics[/amazon_link].)

One of the first things you learn about in time series econometrics is the importance of understanding whether your data have the property of stationarity or not. (It’s on page 3 of my antique textbook, Granger and Newbold’s [amazon_link id=”0199587159″ target=”_blank” ]Forecasting Economic Time Series [/amazon_link] and no doubt equally early in [amazon_link id=”0521634806″ target=”_blank” ]Hendry and Clements[/amazon_link].) In other words, does the series drift over time far away from where it started? If so, it is non-stationary. GDP is like this; it is an analytic construct with no theoretical upper limit. Life satisfaction, however, is a stationary time series – in the World Values Survey it is measured on a scale of 1 to 10 – so it can never go above 10 over time.

So you don’t need to do any fancy econometrics at all to know that the correlation between GDP and life satisfaction over time is zero. You just need to plot the two separately on a chart over time. One is an almost flat line, one goes up a lot.

Or just engage the brain a bit. Over the course of many decades, average height in most developed countries has increased, thanks to better nutrition, healthier mothers, public health measures etc, all the fruit of economic prosperity. There is certainly a link between GDP and height – but you would not expect average height to have increased in proportion with GDP or we’d all be many metres tall; our average height in the UK would have roughly trebled since 1955. Life satisfaction is similarly an organic kind of characteristic and there is no reason at all to expect it to increase proportionately with GDP. That does no mean economic prosperity has no bearing on happiness.

Think of it another way. There has been next to no growth – indeed, falling GDP in some cases – since 2008. Has this really not diminished life satisfaction?

The Vox column gives the appearance of addressing some recent work challenging the idea of no links between GDP and life satisfaction – this by Stevenson and Wolfers is the best known but there are several papers – but it misrepresents them. The Vox authors write: “This last interpretation [ie the no-link interpretation] has been questioned by Deaton (2008) and Stevenson and Wolfers (2008), who claim that there is a positive relation between GDP and life satisfaction in developed countries.” In fact, this is exactly what they do not claim; they agree there is none. However, they find strong evidence for a positive relation between life satisfaction and GDP growth. GDP growth is a stationary time series (ranging between say -10 and +10 percentage points), so this positive correlation can be meaningful.

The psychology of adaptation might well help explain why the level of GDP has no relation to life satisfaction, which could be reflected in the statistical properties. There are equally strong psychological reasons for expecting the change in GDP to be positively associated with life satisfaction.

As Hobbes put it in [amazon_link id=”0199537283″ target=”_blank” ]Leviathan[/amazon_link]: “There is no such Finis Ultimus, no summum bonum as is spoken of in the books of the old Moral Philosophers. Nor can a Man any more live, whose desires are at an end, than he whose senses and Imaginations are at a stand. Felicity is a continual progress of the desire from one object to another.”

GDP is often thought of as just more of the same stuff, and of course how could having one more car or handbag or house make you happier once you already have a certain number? But this is to misunderstand fundamentally what GDP growth indicates (see my forthcoming [amazon_link id=”0691156794″ target=”_blank” ]GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History[/amazon_link]) – which is in fact variety and innovation, new services and goods, from new medicines to graphene, or the internet, that speak to the fundamental human curiosity identified by the Enlightenment philosophers.

Shipping and statistics

A link from Twitter this morning to these photos of the now-demolished Taoho Design Office and Studio appealed to my interest in shipping containers, which will be well-known to readers of this blog. The ur-text is of course Marc Levinson’s [amazon_link id=”0691136408″ target=”_blank” ]The Box[/amazon_link], published in 2007, but selected by Bill Gates as one of the best books he read in 2013.

[amazon_image id=”0691136408″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger[/amazon_image]

Parenthetically, I thought the whole list was terrific  – I quite enjoyed William Rosen’s [amazon_link id=”1845951352″ target=”_blank” ]The Most Powerful Idea in the World[/amazon_link]. I’ve not read the others but they all sound interesting. I have read some papers preceding Morten Jerven’s [amazon_link id=”080147860X” target=”_blank” ]Poor Numbers[/amazon_link], although the book wasn’t out in time before I finished writing [amazon_link id=”0691156794″ target=”_blank” ]GDP: A Brief But Affectionate History[/amazon_link]. It’s interesting – and encouraging – to see new interest in what the aim is in measuring ‘the economy’. It must be a good thing if the wider world is getting interested in shipping containers and statistics.

[amazon_image id=”1845951352″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention[/amazon_image]

Ahead of its time: HK architect Tao Ho built eco-friendly office from shipping containers… in 1989
10/01/2014 02:56

Progress, economics and the good life

How do you measure progress? A question I’ve been thinking about because I gave a lecture on it yesterday to some students in Oxford. My forthcoming book is about the history (and future) of GDP, and one of the themes is the importance of the distinction between economic activity and social welfare – linked but different.

The difference has always been known. Simon Kuznets is often named as the founder of GDP, but he was opposed to using that concept, and argued instead for a measure of welfare. War was looming and he lost the debate. Many of the current arguments about alternative measures – including ‘happiness’ – miss the distinction, and although economists have always known that GDP does not measure welfare, they often ignore the difference. I’ve not yet read the forthcoming Brynjolfsson and McAfee book, [amazon_link id=”1480577472″ target=”_blank” ]The Second Machine Age[/amazon_link], but I wonder how much they glide over it too. The recent column in the New Yorker by James Surowiecki makes it sound like they do.

[amazon_image id=”1480577472″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies[/amazon_image]

For more on the importance of the difference between GDP and welfare and why it might be growing – not just because of digital goods –  pre-order [amazon_link id=”0691156794″ target=”_blank” ]GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History[/amazon_link]!

[amazon_image id=”0691156794″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History[/amazon_image]

Anyway, it wasn’t until today that I started looking at [amazon_link id=”0691158983″ target=”_blank” ]Mass Flourishing[/amazon_link] by Edmund Phelps, about the central role of innovation in modern growth and, more, in the enabling of the good life. Obviously I should have read it last week. It looks right on theme, and it is pleasing to pick up an economics book that has a chapter on Aristotle.

[amazon_image id=”0691158983″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Mass Flourishing: How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change[/amazon_image]